Tour Bios

Lobsang Khamchuk Rinpoche
Lobsang Khamchuk Rinpoche was born on October 15, 1974 in Makham, Tibet. In 1990 His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama recognized him as one of the highest Lama Genpa of the Third Gedun Jinpa’s reincarnation. Rinpoche fled to India from Tibet in 1991 to further his studies. Rinpoche has completed all his studies on the 5 major texts of Buddhist Philosophy: 5 years of Pramanavarika (Buddhist Logic Science), 5 years Prajnaparamita (the Perfection of Wisdom), 3 years Madhyamika (Middle Way Philosophy), 2 years Abhidharmakosa (Buddhist Cosmology and Metaphysics), and 2 years Vinaya (Monastic Disciplines, Rules and Monk’s Vows). Along with Buddhist Philosophy, he also excels in prayer and ritual chanting, making ritual cakes and butter sculptures, teaching meditation, and playing monastic instruments during rituals. Rinpoche received his fully ordained vows from HH the 14th Dalai Lama. He has also received many sacred initiations, teaching and oral transmissions from renowned great masters of the Gelug tradition, such as Gaden Tripa, Khabje Lati Rinpoche, Khabje Khensur Jampa Yeshi and, Khensur Konchuk Tsering. He has also received Tantric teachings from these masters. Rinpoche was in Singapore, Taiwan for religious gatherings and monastic grand pujas, and was in the US during the 2014-2015 Monastic tour, where he benefited many students and friends by doing prayers and rituals. He is known for his kindness and humility.
Rinpoche is the Ritual Master of this tour.
Geshe Phuntsho
Geshe Phuntsho was born in 1966 in Thimpu, Bhutan. He became a monk in 1986, and studied elementary Buddhist teachings. He traveled to India in 1990, and enrolled in Gaden Shartse Monastery in pursuit of more advanced and intensive teachings. Geshe Phuntsho received full ordination from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in 1996. Thereafter, he travelled extensively working as an interpreter for H.E, Kensur Rinpoche Jama Yeshe as well as many other renowned Rinpoches and Geshes. In 2005, After completing his monastic studies, he received his Geshe-Doctorate degree at Gaden Shartse Monastery and was assigned to Malaysia as a resident teacher for two years. He has previously traveled to the United States with the Gaden Shartse tour serving as main translator, and helped coordinate the 6h and the 8th Sacred Earth and Healing Arts of Tibet world tours organized by the Gaden Shartse Monastery. He has also travelled to Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Cambodia as a translator.
Geshe Phuntsho is Tour Leader, driver, and Ritual Master of this tour.
Geshe Ludup Phuntsok
Geshe Ludup Phuntsok was born on December 3, 1979 in Mundgod, India. At age 10 he joined Gaden Shartse Monastery, and studied basic Tibetan and Buddhist studies, and received novice ordination from Ludup Rinpoche. He received Gelong Dompa (full ordination vows) from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in 1997. Geshe Phuntsok studied the five major texts of Buddhist Philosophy and achieved the degree of Pramana Vidya (Buddhist Logic Science) in 2000, Prajnaparamita (the Perfection of Wisdom) in 2005, Madyamika (Buddhist Middle Way Philosophy) in 2008, Abhidharma (Cosmology and Metaphysics) in 2010, and Vinaya (Buddhist Ethics and Monastic Rules) in 2012. Since then, he has been serving the monastery in many different areas. In 2013 he was elected to staff of Gaden Shartse Library, where he helped type Buddhist teachings. In 2015 he was elected Secretary for Gaden Shartse Lachi Monastery, and in 2017 he was elected Secretary of Gaden Shartse School. In 2019 he received his Geshe degree, and joined Gyurme Monastery to learn Tantra. After completing his Tantric degree, he came back to Gaden Shartse Monastery and again was elected as Secretary of the school for 2 more years. Geshe Phuntsok has received many initiations, empowerments, and oral transmissions from His Holiness the Dalai Lama and many root gurus from the monastery, including Kyabje Lati Rinpoche, Kyabje Zong Choktrul Rinpoche, and Khabje Khensur Jampa Yeshi Rinpoche.
Geshe Phuntsok is Sand Mandala Master of this tour.
Venerable Paldan Angrup
Venerable Paldan Angrup was born on September 11, 1993, in Rangrik, Himachal Pradesh State, India. In 2000, at 7 years old, he joined Kee Monastery where he received novice ordination and studied basic Tibetan and Buddhist studies. He joined Gaden Shartse Monastery in 2007 to further his studies. He studied the five major texts of Buddhist Philosophy and achieved the degree of Pramana Vidya (Buddhist Logic Science) in 2011, Prajnaparamita (the Perfection of Wisdom) in 2016, Madyamika (Buddhist Middle Way Philosophy) in 2018, Abhidharma (Cosmology and Metaphysics) in 2020, and Vinaya (Buddhist Ethics and Monastic Rules) in 2022. Since then, he has been serving the monastery in different areas. He received Gelong Dompa (full ordination vows) from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in 2018, and has received many initiations, empowerments and oral transmissions from the Dalai Lama and many root gurus of the monastery, including Kyabje Lati Rinpoche and Kyabje Zong Choktrul Rinpoche. He has previously served at the Gaden Shartse Drophen Ling Center in Singapore, Taiwan.
Venerable Pladan Angrup is Ritual Cake Master of this tour.
Venerable Lobzang Yeshey
Venerable Lobzang Yeshey was born on February 27, 1988 in Spiti Valley, India. He joined the local monastery in his village in 1999 and studied Buddhism. In 2004, he joined Gaden Shartse Monastery to pursue further Tibetan and Buddhist studies.
He has completed the 17 years of his studies in the five major texts of Buddhist Philosophy: 5 years Pramana Vartika (Buddhist Logic Science), 5 years Prajna Paramita (the Perfection of Wisdom), 3 years Madhyamika (Middle Way Philosophy), 2 years Abhi Dharma Kosha (Buddhist Cosmology and Metaphysics), and 2 years Vinaya (Monastic Rules and Disciplines). He has received teachings and empowerments from many high teachers of Gaden Shartse Monastery. After studying English at the monastery, he was on the US tour for two years, and afterward served at the Education Department to work with western visitors. He also served as secretary of Gaden Shartse Ngari Khangtse for many years. He recently has been with a Mexico tour for three months. He is very kind, hardworking and decent, and has much experience with western people and culture.
Venerable Lobzang Yeshey is translator for this tour.
Venerable Jai Surya Bisht
Venerable Jai Surya was born February 23, 1996, in Katgaon, Himachal Pradesh state, India. He joined Gaden Shartse Monastery in 2008, and studied basic Tibetan and Buddhist studies. He received Novice ordination vows from Former Abbot Jangchup Choeden in 2014. He has been studying the five major texts of Buddhist Philosophy, and achieved the degrees of Pramana Vidya (Buddhist Logic Science) in 2017 and Prajnaparamita (the Perfection of Wisdom) in 2021. He is currently studying Madyamika (Buddhist Middle Way Philosophy). He has received initiations, empowerments, and oral transmissions from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, as well as many root gurus from Gaden Shartse Monastery, including Kyabje Lati Rinpoche and Kyabje Zong Choktrul Rinpoche Venerable Jai Surya Bisht is Chanting Master of this tour.